We have the pleasure to inform you that we’ve significantly improved our Propositions page. From now on, you can create your own proposals to add not only bookmakers but also new features, or request an improvement of existing functional.
How does it work
Sign In to your account, go to the «Propositions» page, select the «Features» tab, and press the «Suggest a Feature» button. Next, enter the Name (title) of this feature, its importance to you, and a description of what you want us to add or improve.
After clicking the «Submit» button, your request will be automatically sent to us for moderation. Please keep in mind that it can be rejected for certain reasons but in most cases, it will appear in the voting list so that all our customers have a chance to vote for it.
The voting for existing proposals is the same as on the Bookmakers tab. You just need to click on a grey UP arrow next to the Feature’s status.
Another useful option available in the «Features» tab – bug reporting. You can inform us about any existing bug (bookmaker scanning issue or product functionality issue) by pressing the «Report a bug» button on the «Features» tab. Here you’ll also need to enter the title of your issue, its type, and a brief description.
Please kindly note that only customers with a paid subscription (and who had it before) can request new features. However, all registered customers can report us existing bugs using the «Report a bug» button.